Archive for 2018
A Guide to the High Holiday Prayers
This thorough article provides an overview of the contents, structure and themes of the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur prayer
How to Prepare for Rosh Hashanah
This article outlines some of the customs designed to help prepare one spiritually for the Jewish New Year and the High
How to Find a Machzor (High Holiday Prayer Book)
This comprehensive article serves as a guide to finding the right High Holiday Machzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
How to Make High Holiday Synagogue Services Meaningful
This honest article presents six simple tips to transform lengthy, frustrating services into a meaningful prayer experience. With an emphasis
How to Make a Shofar
This 4 minute long video shows how a ram’s horn is transformed into a shofar, the musical instrument and ritual
Maimonides’ 4 Steps to Teshuvah
This short video outlines the four steps to teshuvah (repentance), according to Maimonides: regret our actions, stop doing them, confess
How to Light Candles on Rosh Hashanah
In this thorough instructional video (9:31), Dr. Rachael Turkienicz describes how to light the holiday candles for Rosh Hashanah, including technical and
How to Blow the Shofar
This short instructional video demonstrates how to blow the shofar on Rosh Hashanah, including an explanation of the three different
How to Braid a Round Challah for Rosh Hashanah
This short instructional video demonstrates three different methods for making a circular challah, as is customary for Rosh Hashanah. There
Audio Recordings of Ashkenazi High Holiday Liturgy
This link will take you to the musical prayer navigator of Mechon Hadar, where you can find audio recordings for each