Archive for July 2018

What is the Western Wall?

What is the Western Wall?

This short introductory video briefly summarizes the historical and religious significance of the Western Wall, the holiest site in Jewish

Rabbi Sacks on Jerusalem: The 50th Anniversary of Reunification

Rabbi Sacks on Jerusalem: The 50th Anniversary of Reunification

In this moving video (7:15), Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, the previous Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, tells the moving story of

The Priestly Blessing at the Western Wall

The Priestly Blessing at the Western Wall

This short video shows tens of thousands of worshippers gathered together at the Western Wall for the Birkat Kohanim, the

Selichot at the Western Wall

Selichot at the Western Wall

This short video shows thousands of Jews gathering together for the final night of Selichot prayers before Yom Kippur at

Prayer for the Women of the Wall

Prayer for the Women of the Wall

This post presents the Hebrew and English text for a special prayer written for the Women of the Wall, by

Mourning Rituals at the Western Wall

Mourning Rituals at the Western Wall

In this post from, Rabbi David Stadley (Orthodox) answers the question of what prayers should be said at the

5 Psalms to Recite at the Western Wall

5 Psalms to Recite at the Western Wall

Although there are no specific prayers that must be said at the Western Wall, there are several chapters of Psalms

Singing Ani Ma’amin at the Western Wall on Tisha B’Av

Singing Ani Ma’amin at the Western Wall on Tisha B’Av

This video shows thousands of worshippers gathered together at the Western Wall on Tisha B’av singing Ani Ma’amin (I Believe), a song

Naomi Shemer: Yerushalayim Shel Zahav / Jerusalem of Gold

Naomi Shemer: Yerushalayim Shel Zahav / Jerusalem of Gold

This popular Israeli song written by Naomi Shemer describes the Jewish people’s age-old yearning for and ultimate return to Jerusalem. Released just

Yaakov Shwekey at the Western Wall on Jerusalem Day

Yaakov Shwekey at the Western Wall on Jerusalem Day

This video presents snippets from the concert of the well-known Jewish musical entertainer, Yaakov Shwekey, at the Western Wall on Yom Yerushalayim