Archive for November 2017

Hand-Washing Blessing in ASL

Hand-Washing Blessing in ASL

This video demonstrates how to sign the ritual hand-washing blessing in American Sign Language, which is especially helpful for those who

Hand-Washing & Silence on Shabbat

Hand-Washing & Silence on Shabbat

This home video explores the custom of refraining from speaking between washing one’s hands and making the blessing over the bread.

Ritual Hand-Washing Upon Waking vs. Before Eating Bread

Ritual Hand-Washing Upon Waking vs. Before Eating Bread

This short home video compares the different customs of washing one’s hands after waking up and before eating bread. Although

How Kiddush Became Part of the Synagogue Service

How Kiddush Became Part of the Synagogue Service

This article by the late German Jewish scholar Rabbi Ismar Elbogen discusses how the Kiddush was introduced into the synagogue service in

The Blessing Over Wine: Masculine, Feminine and Non-Gendered God Language

The Blessing Over Wine: Masculine, Feminine and Non-Gendered God Language

This post includes the blessing recited over wine in Hebrew, English and transliterated, using masculine, feminine and non-gendered God-language. This

Kiddush & Building Community: Humanistic Liturgy

Kiddush & Building Community: Humanistic Liturgy

This community-centered blessing over the wine was composed by Machar: The Washington Congregation for Secular Humanistic Judaism. Typical of this movement, founded

Let’s Learn T’fillah: Netilat Yadayim

Let’s Learn T’fillah: Netilat Yadayim

This short, interactive, animated video demonstrates how to recite the ritual hand-washing blessing, including a brief introduction and the Hebrew

Why Do We Not Speak Inbetween Washing Our Hands and Eating Bread?

Why Do We Not Speak Inbetween Washing Our Hands and Eating Bread?

In this clear video, Orthodox Rabbi Simon Harris of Wembley United Synagogue describes the halachic development of the custom of

Secular/ Humanist HaMotzi Texts

Secular/ Humanist HaMotzi Texts

The following excerpts from a Secular/Humanist Shabbat Service emphasize our connection to the land and themes of social justice, in

Do We Wash Each Hand Two or Three Times?

Do We Wash Each Hand Two or Three Times?

This short post describes the different halachic opinions regarding how many times one must wash each hand when performing the