Archive for July 2017

Hand-Washing Before a Meal: A Detailed Guide

Hand-Washing Before a Meal: A Detailed Guide

In this video, Rabbi Joel Finkelstein outlines the circumstances in which one is required to perform the ritual hand-washing before a

Washing for a Meal: The Practical, The Philosophical & The Mystical

Washing for a Meal: The Practical, The Philosophical & The Mystical

In these three long video lectures, Chabad Rabbi Mendel Kaplan breaks down the mitzvah of Netilat Yadayim at mealtime, with an

Hand-Washing Before a Meal: A Basic Guide

Hand-Washing Before a Meal: A Basic Guide

In this short instructional video, an American Conservative rabbi offers a presentation of how to wash one’s hands before eating bread.

Introduction to the Blessing over the Bread

Introduction to the Blessing over the Bread

This short article offers a brief introduction to the blessing over the bread, including an explanation of the purpose of

Chief Rabbi of the UK on Blessing the Children on Shabbat

Chief Rabbi of the UK on Blessing the Children on Shabbat

In this short video, Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the United Kingdom, Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, explains why children are blessed

Personalizing the Blessing of the Children on Shabbat

Personalizing the Blessing of the Children on Shabbat

This article shows how the ritual blessing over the children on Shabbat can be used as an opportunity to infuse

Blessing the Children and the Importance of Family

Blessing the Children and the Importance of Family

In this article, Ariela Pelaia presents how the blessing over the children on Shabbat is traditionally practiced, as well as ways

Blessing the Children on Friday Night: Origins and How-To

Blessing the Children on Friday Night: Origins and How-To

This thorough introductory article by Tamar Fox outlines the origins and various family customs for the ritual blessing over the

Clear Recitation of Blessing Over the Bread with Subtitles

Clear Recitation of Blessing Over the Bread with Subtitles

This short, to the point video clearly demonstrates how to recite the blessing over the bread according to most traditions. It not

HaMotzi: Origins, Laws and Customs

HaMotzi: Origins, Laws and Customs

This detailed article by Chaviva Gordon-Bennett explains the meaning, origins, customs, and practical how-to’s of the blessing over the bread on Shabbat,