Archive for December 2016

Candle Lighting Photography Project

Candle Lighting Photography Project

In this creative project, artist Helene Fischman presents photographs of women lighting Shabbat candles. Her inspiration comes from both the transformative

Yigal Bashan: Likrat Shabbat (Hebrew)

Yigal Bashan: Likrat Shabbat (Hebrew)

This song, written by Avi Koren and performed by Yigal Bashan, is an Israeli classic describing the atmosphere of a traditional

Common Mistakes Made During Kiddush

Common Mistakes Made During Kiddush

In this 8:33 long video, Rabbi Joel Finkelstein of the Modern Orthodox Anshei Sphard Beth El Emeth Congregation in Memphis, Tennessee, goes through

Ana B’Ko’ach: A Musical Kabbalistic Meditation with On-Screen Text

Ana B’Ko’ach: A Musical Kabbalistic Meditation with On-Screen Text

This 6:26 minute long video produced by The Kabbalah Center provides deep mystical meditations based on the Kabbalistic secrets hidden within

Shabbat Observance in Alaska: Lighting Shabbat Candles Without Sunset

Shabbat Observance in Alaska: Lighting Shabbat Candles Without Sunset

In this article, Rabbi Dov Gartenberg shares his thoughts and halachic insights about Shabbat observance when living in Alaska, where

Rav Kook: Blessings Over Bread and Torah

Rav Kook: Blessings Over Bread and Torah

This excerpt, written by Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook, explores the dual benefits we gain from both eating and studying Torah,

Switching On Shabbat: Temples in Time

Switching On Shabbat: Temples in Time

Referencing Jewish thinkers Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and Blu Greenberg, this article describes lighting the Shabbat candles as a transformative

A Historical Approach to the Composition and Structure of the Grace After Meals

A Historical Approach to the Composition and Structure of the Grace After Meals

This thorough article by Rabbi Yizchak Etshalom outlines the structure of the Grace After Meals, explaining how the Biblical command to

Techincal Laws of the Grace After Meals

Techincal Laws of the Grace After Meals

This highly technical article from explains the detailed laws associated with reciting the Grace After Meals according to Orthodox tradition. Some questions answered

Marcia Falk’s Grace After Meals Prayer

Marcia Falk’s Grace After Meals Prayer

This excerpt from Marcia Falk‘s “The Book of Blessings” offers a short prayer based on the basic blessings of the Grace