
Introduction: How to Light the Shabbat Candles

Introduction: How to Light the Shabbat Candles

This introductory video provides a step-by-step explanation on how to light the Shabbat evening candles according to Asheknazic tradition, using captions, pictures,

The History of Lighting the Shabbat Candles

The History of Lighting the Shabbat Candles

In this excerpt from the article, “Lighting Sabbath Candles,” Avi Lazerson discusses the historical and textual explanations for the commandment of lighting

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks on How and Why to Light the Candles

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks on How and Why to Light the Candles

The following video from Jewish Online Guides, an educational initiative by The United Synagogue, explores the lighting of the Shabbat

The Connection Between Giving Tzedakah and Shabbat Candle Lighting

The Connection Between Giving Tzedakah and Shabbat Candle Lighting

The following article describes the practice of giving tzedakah (charity) before lighting the Shabbat evening candles, along with an explanation

“Blessed is the Match”: A Poem by Hannah Senesh

“Blessed is the Match”: A Poem by Hannah Senesh

The following poem, “Blessed is the Match” by Hannah Senesh, describes the human soul as analogous to a match that is

How to Light Shabbat Candles: Reform Tradition & Customs

How to Light Shabbat Candles: Reform Tradition & Customs

This video demonstrates how to light the Shabbat candles and recite the blessing according to the Reform tradition. In the first

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes on Shabbat Candles

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes on Shabbat Candles

These poetic quotes from Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel describe the moment when Shabbat arrives, bringing with it an atmosphere of light, peace,

Candle Lighting: The Test of Time

Candle Lighting: The Test of Time

The following excerpt from the article “Truth Stands the Test of Time” explains how the Shabbat candles are symbolic of

Candle Lighting: A Blessing or a Curse to Women?

Candle Lighting: A Blessing or a Curse to Women?

In the following excerpt from Wendy I. Zierler’s article, “Shedding Feminist Light on the Sabbath Candles,” Zierler explores the possibility

Aish: How To Light Shabbat Candles

Aish: How To Light Shabbat Candles

The following ‘how to’ video provides step-by-step instructions on how to light the Friday night Shabbat candles according to the Orthodox