Israeli Society
Infographic: Israeli Innovation Must Break New Ground
From an article from the Israel Innovation Authority about how Israeli innovation must break new ground in order to benefit
Infographic: How Did Israel Become the Start-Up Nation?
Created by OneRagtime based on the book Start Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle, this post presents a useful
Why Are Arab Israelis So Underrepresented in the Start Up Nation?
This article from Business Insider presents the perspective of Itzik Frid, CEO of a venture capital firm and startup incubator focused on Arab-led
Israeli Arabs Seeking Greater Share in Country’s Start-up Success
In this article from Business Insider, Tova Cohen discusses some of the factors that limit Arab Israelis from succeeding in
Seeds Tech-Entrepreneurial Program: Working Toward Equality in the Start-Up Sector
Created by Seeds Tech-Entrepreneurial Program, a start-up accelerator that trains aspiring entrepreneurs from Israel’s social and geographic periphery, this document summarizes
Dan Senor: The Start-Up Nation at 70
In his address (21:06) at the Jewish Funders Network 2018 International Conference in Tel Aviv, Dan Senor, co author of
Israel at 70: The ‘Start-up Nation’ Celebrates Innovation
Produced by i24NEWS in celebration of 70 years since the founding of the State of Israel, this video (04:26) looks
Start-Up Nation for All
In this important article from the Jerusalem Post, Dena Weiss suggests that demographic changes have created a new reality where
Israel’s Surprising Way of Teaching Skills for Innovation
In this fascinating article from ISRAEL21c, Inbal Arieli, senior advisor to Start-Up Nation Central, explores the novel methodologies used by Israel’s extra
The Paratroopers who Founded Gush Emunim & Peace Now and Israel’s Wary Center
Written by Yossi Klein Halevi, author of “Like Dreamers: The Story of the Israeli Paratroopers Who Reunited Jerusalem and Divided