Written and performed by Rachel Kann, this creative video (05:57) presents a feminist spoken word poem inspired by Vashti’s refusal to
This post presents an innovative feminist ritual that some communities have adopted during the reading of Megillat Esther on Purim.
This post presents a new Purim ritual created by Ma’yan, a Jewish feminist, social justice and leadership training program for
This creative animated music video features Alicia Jo Rabins singing an original fiddle tune based on the midrash that when King Achashverosh
This video presents the operatic soprano, Rowna Sutin, performing Debbie Friedman’s original tune for Shalom Aleichem. Complete with onscreen transliterated text,
In the following excerpt from Wendy I. Zierler’s article, “Shedding Feminist Light on the Sabbath Candles,” Zierler explores the possibility
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