How to Wave the Lulav and Etrog on Sukkot

We show you how to shake a lulav and etrog!

פורסם על ידי ‏‎‎‏ ב חמישי, 20 באוקטובר 2016

This thorough article from My Jewish Learning provides a complete guide to the Four Species of Sukkot, including the biblical origins of this ritual, how to wave them, and the English and transliterated texts of the blessings recited prior to fulfilling the commandment. The lengthy video shown above (10:36) demonstrates one custom for how to shake the Four Species, along with additional information about the ritual, such as where the Lulav and Etrog can be purchased. The article is an excerpt from “The Jewish Catalog: A Do-It-Yourself Kit,” a collection of articles aimed at Jews of any background who are looking to become personally involved in all aspects of Jewish life.