Evening Kiddush
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Shabbat Evening Kiddush Karaoke: Reform
This ‘karaoke style’ video with Hebrew subtitles, demonstrates how to sing the Shabbat evening blessings over the wine, according to
Traditional Ashkenazi Friday Night Kiddush: Text & Audio
This resource includes the complete Hebrew, English, and transliterated text for the traditional Ashkenazi Orthodox Kiddush, including explanations of what motions
Traditional Sephardic and Mizrahi Friday Night Kiddush
This article includes the complete Hebrew, English, and transliterated text for the Sephardic/Mizrahi Orthodox Kiddush, as well as a video with onscreen
Traditional Rosh Hashanah Evening & Daytime Kiddush
This post offers links to the traditional evening and daytime Kiddush ceremonies performed on Rosh Hashanah. The page for the
Atkinu Seudata: A Kabbalistic Poem Recited Before Kiddush
This post presents an in-depth explanation and the Aramaic, English and transliterated texts of a Kabbalistic poem recited before the daytime Kiddush,
Kabbalistic Poems Recited Before Kiddush: Atkinu Seudata & Azamer Bishvochin
This post includes both audio recordings and the Aramaic, English and transliterated texts of two poems that are often recited before
Kiddush & Building Community: Humanistic Liturgy
This community-centered blessing over the wine was composed by Machar: The Washington Congregation for Secular Humanistic Judaism. Typical of this movement, founded
Egalitarian Kiddush and “Shalom Aleychem”
The following post provides information about egalitarian approaches to Kiddush, as well as a video of Cantor Elana Rozenfeld teaching
Secular/ Humanist Kiddush Texts
The following excerpts from a Secular/Humanist Shabbat Service emphasize both universalistic concepts and the importance of rejoicing in Jewish heritage. Although
Shabbat Kiddush of Liberation: Letting the Land Rest
This ecological Kiddush was written for an instance when Shabbat coincided with Tu b’Shvat, the Jewish new year for the trees,
Yemenite Friday Night Kiddush
This video presents a recording of a traditional Friday night Kiddush according to the Yemenite tradition, recited by Tomer Hatuca, an
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How to Recite the Ashkenazi Friday Night Kiddush
In this 7:42 long video, Cantor Michael Weis explains and demonstrates how to say Kiddush on Friday night, including on-screen Hebrew text
Moishe House: Friday Night Shabbat Rituals
This less than 5 minute long animated video introduces the basic Shabbat rituals performed on Friday night, including the candle lighting ceremony,
Traditional Rosh Hashanah Evening & Daytime Kiddush
This post offers links to the traditional evening and daytime Kiddush ceremonies performed on Rosh Hashanah. The page for the
For Kids: The Blessing Over Wine & Grape Juice
This short, kid-friendly video demonstrates how to say the blessing over wine or grape juice, which is a central part of the the
How To Make Kiddush (Hebrew)
This Hebrew video shows a family singing the songs and performing the Kiddush ceremony conducted at the beginning of the Friday night
Students Teach How To Make Kiddush
This short, quirky home video features students from the Conservative Hebrew High School of Congregation Beth El of Voorhees, NJ, acting out
Kiddush 101: Discover Everything About Kiddush
This detailed article by Chaviva Gordon-Bennett explains the meaning, origins, customs, and practical how-to’s of the Kiddush ceremony according to Orthodox Ashkenazi
How to Make Kiddush: A Step-by-Step Guide from Chabad
This article includes a short introduction to the Kiddush from a Chabad-Lubavitch Orthodox perspective, including a breakdown of the structure of
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks & Chabad: How to Perform Friday Night Kiddush
This short video, narrated by Former Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, provides an introduction to the Friday night Kiddush, as well as
Common Mistakes Made During Kiddush
In this 8:33 long video, Rabbi Joel Finkelstein of the Modern Orthodox Anshei Sphard Beth El Emeth Congregation in Memphis, Tennessee, goes through
A Complete Guide to Performing a Traditional Friday Night Kiddush: Text & Audio
This step-by-step guide explains how to perform the basic Orthodox Ashkenazi Kiddush, including the Hebrew, English, and transliterated text of the
Learning and Schmoozing with the Rabbis: Making Kiddush
In this informative and amusing video, ideal for beginners, Rabbi Rafi Rank and Rabbi Josh Hearshen provide basic information about how to
Informative Articles & Videos
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What is Kiddush?
This short video provides a playful but informative discussion about how and why we make Kiddush. Rabbi John Carrier of
Kiddush as a Bridge Between the Physical & Spiritual
This short video provides a brief and meaningful explanation for why Jews make Kiddush at Shabbat meals. Arik Singer, a former
Shabbat as Rest from Creation
In this article, Rabbi David Aaron explores the deeper meaning of rest on Shabbat, as referenced in the Friday night Kiddush, by
JOFA: The Women’s Role in Kiddush, HaMotzi & Havdallah
The following excerpt from the article “Halachot of Kiddush, HaMotzi and Havdalah, printed by The Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA),
Kiddush: Stand or Sit?
This responsum, written for Aish.com’s “Ask The Rabbi” column, explains the halachic reasoning behind some of the different customs regarding whether the
How Kiddush Became Part of the Synagogue Service
This article by the late German Jewish scholar Rabbi Ismar Elbogen discusses how the Kiddush was introduced into the synagogue service in
Shabbat Home Ritual: Kiddush
In this short post, Sarah Fishman describes the basics of the Kiddush ceremony, as part of an article introducing the
Kiddush in Kabbalistic Thought
In this excerpt from “The Thirteen Petalled Rose,” Talmudic scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz provides a step-by-step interpretation of the ritual
Kiddush: Shabbat and the Possibility of Transformation
Using both Hassidic and classic commentaries, these excerpts from the article “Shabbat and the Possibility of Transformation” explore Kiddush as
Kiddush as a Refelction of the Jews’ Universal and Particular Relationship with God
This excerpt from the article “The Dual Nature of Shabbat Observance” provides insight into how the text of Kiddush reflects
Kiddush: At Home or Synagogue?
This article, ideal for readers with an interest in the development of Jewish law and custom, discusses whether the Friday
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel: Kiddush and the Sanctification of Time
This excerpt from Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel’s “The Sabbath: Its Meaning for Modern Man,” explores the idea of Shabbat as a symbol for
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Kiddush Blues by the Klezmer Company Orchestra
This live Hebrew performance by the Klezmer Company Orchestra demonstrates how to sing the Shabbat evening blessings over the wine,
Jazz/Blues Kiddush
This entertaining video demonstrates a unique style of singing the Shabbat evening blessings over the wine with a jazz-blues twist. Benson Simmonds,
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach Singing Kiddush
This is a video of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach’s musical rendition of Friday night Kiddush according to Orthodox Ashkenazi tradition and
Kabbalistic Poems Recited Before Kiddush: Atkinu Seudata & Azamer Bishvochin
This post includes both audio recordings and the Aramaic, English and transliterated texts of two poems that are often recited before
Matisyahu’s Kiddush
In this video, world-famous Jewish musician, Matisyahu, sings a slow, emotive rendition of the Friday night Shabbat Kiddush according to Orthodox
A Jazzy Kiddush
This creative jazz rendition of the Ashkenazi version of the Kiddush blessing is from the “Hear O Israel: A Prayer
Acapella Kiddush: Soul Key Choir
In this video, The Soul Key Choir, an all male Israeli acapella group, performs a beautiful harmony of the biblical verses
Rabbi Klatzko’s Musical Kiddush
In this video, Rabbi Benzion Klatzko sings the Shabbat evening Kiddush according to the Orthodox Ashkenazi tradition and pronunciation to a slow,
Richard Tucker’s Cantorial Kiddush
In this video, the great American tenor and cantor Richard Tucker (1913-1975) performs the Shabbat evening blessings over the wine
Kurt Weill’s Musical Composition of Kiddush
This post includes an introduction to Kurt Weill’s musical composition of Kiddush, including an original audio and several videos of
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The Blessing Over the Wine in ASL
This video demonstrates how to sign the blessing over the wine in American Sign Language, which is especially helpful for those
Making Kiddush Inclusive for All
The following article provides practical tools on how to transform your own Shabbat table into one that is inclusive of
Shalom Sesame: Learn About Shabbat with Grover
In this sweet, amusing video, Grover learns about Shabbat on “Shalom Sesame,” the Israeli version of the popular children’s television
Kiddush in Combat
This short clip shows soldiers in the Israeli Defense Forces reciting Kiddush in the midst of combat in Gaza during Operation
The Power of Kiddush: A Chassidic Story
This story demonstrates the great mystical power behind the ritual of Kiddush. As is common in the Hassidic tradition, the message
Israeli Family Performs Kiddush and Candle Lighting
This home video shows an Israeli family in the Galilee performing traditional Shabbat rituals around the table, including the lighting
Why Sweet Wine?
This article from The Jerusalem Post provides historical background and basic information about wine production to explain why the wine used for