The Western Wall
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5 Psalms to Recite at the Western Wall
Although there are no specific prayers that must be said at the Western Wall, there are several chapters of Psalms
The Priestly Blessing at the Western Wall
This short video shows tens of thousands of worshippers gathered together at the Western Wall for the Birkat Kohanim, the
Selichot at the Western Wall
This short video shows thousands of Jews gathering together for the final night of Selichot prayers before Yom Kippur at
Orthodox Evening Prayer Service for Yom Ha’atzmaut
This PDF booklet contains an Orthodox evening service for Yom Ha’atzmaut in Hebrew and English. Although the basis for the Yom
Prayer for the Rebuilding of the Temple After Candle Lighting
There is a custom to recite this prayer for the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem after making the blessing
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How To Visit the Western Wall
This useful article offers 8 practical tips for visiting the Western Wall, from when to go, how to get there,
How Jews Pray
In this short video, Jews of different backgrounds share their personal approaches and questions about prayer and what makes them
How to Visit the Western Wall With Kids
This useful article provides practical tips and tricks for a successful visit to the Western Wall with children, from how
Informative Articles & Videos
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What is the Western Wall?
This short introductory video briefly summarizes the historical and religious significance of the Western Wall, the holiest site in Jewish
Educational Resources for Exploring the Western Wall Controversies
This post provides three different resources designed to help guide discussions and programming concerning some of the religious and political
An Archaeological Approach to the Significance of the Western Wall & The Temple Mount
In this informative video (4:50), Ze’ev Orenstein, the Director of International Affairs at the City of David, presents the historical and biblical
The Battles of the Paratroopers in the Six Day War
From the official website of Ammunition Hill, this link provides detailed information about the role of the Paratrooper Brigade during
The Battle for Jerusalem in the Six Day War: Survival of a Nation
Produced by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute, this moving video (08:29) tells the story of Israel’s 1967 battles for Jerusalem and
An Interview with the Director of “In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem”
Filmed at Ammunition Hill, this video (06:47) presents an interview with Erin Zimmerman, the director of the Christian Broadcasting Network’s
Liberating the Old City of Jerusalem: A Personal Story
Created by the Israel Defense Forces, this moving video (01:04) recalls the liberation of the Old City of Jerusalem and
The Significance of the Temple Mount in Judaism, Islam & Christianity
In this simple video (05:10), archaeology student and Jerusalem tour guide, Nir Ortal, outlines the significance of the Temple Mount
Rabbi Sacks on Jerusalem: The 50th Anniversary of Reunification
In this moving video (7:15), Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, the previous Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, tells the moving story of
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Yossi Gamzu: The Kotel (The Western Wall)
Written by Israeli lyricist Yossi Gamzu and performed by Israeli singer Ofra Haza, the song HaKotel conveys the significance of the Western
Naomi Shemer: Yerushalayim Shel Zahav / Jerusalem of Gold
This popular Israeli song written by Naomi Shemer describes the Jewish people’s age-old yearning for and ultimate return to Jerusalem. Released just
Singing Ani Ma’amin at the Western Wall on Tisha B’Av
This video shows thousands of worshippers gathered together at the Western Wall on Tisha B’av singing Ani Ma’amin (I Believe), a song
Sabaton: Counterstrike – A Heavy Metal Song About the Six Day War
This video presents a song about the Six Day War by Sabaton, a Swedish heavy metal band who’s songs recount
Yaakov Shwekey at the Western Wall on Jerusalem Day
This video presents snippets from the concert of the well-known Jewish musical entertainer, Yaakov Shwekey, at the Western Wall on Yom Yerushalayim
Miri Israeli: HaKotel (The Western Wall)
Written by American-born Israeli artist, Miri Israeli, this emotive song describes the Western Wall as a place where one can
L’Shana Haba’ah: Next Year in Jerusalem
This song captures the eternal Jewish hope and prayer for the return to Jerusalem. Even though the Jewish people have
Orthodox Evening Prayer Service for Yom Ha’atzmaut
This PDF booklet contains an Orthodox evening service for Yom Ha’atzmaut in Hebrew and English. Although the basis for the Yom
What else?
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Haim Hefer: The Paratroopers Are Crying
In this moving poem, Israeli songwriter, poet and writer, Haim Hefer, poetically describes the historic moment of the liberation of the
Prayers Ascend to Heaven at the Western Wall
Through beautiful imagery and animation, this video conveys the power of prayer, depicting the traditional Jewish belief that prayers of
Footage from the Liberation of the Western Wall and the Temple Mount in 1967: “The Temple Mount is in Our Hands”
This short video from the Israel Defense Forces presents actual footage from the historic moment when Israeli soldiers overcame Arab
Trailer for “In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem”
This video (1:31) is a trailer for the Christian Broadcasting Network’s documentary, “In Our Hands,” which tells the story of the
An Interview with the Director of “In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem”
Filmed at Ammunition Hill, this video (06:47) presents an interview with Erin Zimmerman, the director of the Christian Broadcasting Network’s
Liberating the Old City of Jerusalem: A Personal Story
Created by the Israel Defense Forces, this moving video (01:04) recalls the liberation of the Old City of Jerusalem and
A Selection of Yehuda Amichai’s Poems About Jerusalem
This post offers the English translation of a selection of poems about Jerusalem, written by the iconic poet, Yehuda Amichai,
Quotes from Israeli Leaders Upon the Liberation of the Western Wall in 1967
An excerpt from a longer article about the liberation of the Western Wall in the Six Day War in 1967
Educational Resources for Exploring the Western Wall Controversies
This post provides three different resources designed to help guide discussions and programming concerning some of the religious and political