Vision & Innovation
Informative Articles & Videos
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How Did Israel Become the Start-Up Nation?
Produced by VisuakPolitik, a YouTube channel about global politics and international events, this video (09:33) explores how a country as small and
Thou Shalt Innovate: How Israeli Ingenuity Repairs the World
In this inspiring video (06:18), Avi Jorisch, entrepreneur and author of Thou Shalt Innovate: How Israeli Ingenuity Repairs the World, explores the
Israeli Arabs Seeking Greater Share in Country’s Start-up Success
In this article from Business Insider, Tova Cohen discusses some of the factors that limit Arab Israelis from succeeding in
Dan Senor: How Israel Became a Leader in Business Innovation
In this CNBC news segment (06:46), Dan Senor, co author of Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle, discusses some
Why Are Arab Israelis So Underrepresented in the Start Up Nation?
This article from Business Insider presents the perspective of Itzik Frid, CEO of a venture capital firm and startup incubator focused on Arab-led
Israel: Start-Up Nation for All…Or Is It?
Produced by Appleseeds Academy, an Israeli nonprofit that aims to bridge the digital divide between the Start-Up Nation and Israel’s
Failure: The Surprising Fuel in Israel’s Startup Engine
In this article from ISRAEL21c, Abigail Klein Leichman shows how the attitude of Israel’s Start-Up industry toward failure contributes to
Economic Freedom: The Key to the Start-Up Nation’s Success
Providing a brief economic history of the State of Israel, this video (03:50) shows how Israel’s shift from a socialist state
Community Collaboration: The Secret of Israel’s Hi-Tech Success
From collaborative co-working spaces to informal mentorship programs, this short video (02:06) attributes Israel’s success as a Start Up Nation to
Innovation in Israel & the Palestinian Territories
Produced by WIRED UK, a publication about life-changing people, trends and ideas, this video (18:58) is this the first of
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Infographic: How Did Israel Become the Start-Up Nation?
Created by OneRagtime based on the book Start Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle, this post presents a useful
Created in Israel, Part of Your Life
Produced by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this humorous video (01:42) reveals how many Israeli inventions an average person benefits from
Infographic: Israeli Innovation Must Break New Ground
From an article from the Israel Innovation Authority about how Israeli innovation must break new ground in order to benefit
Infographic: Tel Aviv’s Start-Up Ecosystem
From an article from NoCamels about Tel Aviv’s start-up ecosystem, this infographic presents a visual map of the city’s tech scene,
7 Life-Changing Israeli Inventions
Produced by the official YouTube Channel of the State of Israel, this humorous video (02:12) highlights seven innovative Israeli inventions that
Why Is Israel Called the Start-Up Nation?
This short video (01:29) presents some of the statistics that have led to Israel’s global reputation as the Start-Up nation,
Seeds Tech-Entrepreneurial Program: Working Toward Equality in the Start-Up Sector
Created by Seeds Tech-Entrepreneurial Program, a start-up accelerator that trains aspiring entrepreneurs from Israel’s social and geographic periphery, this document summarizes