All posts by dkatz
How to make Moroccan Sfenj Donuts
This instructional video (04:09) from demonstrates how to make “sfenj,” Moroccan donuts traditionally eaten on Hannukah. The ingredient list
How to Light the Hanukkah Menorah (With Blessings)
This short instructional video (02:59) demonstrates how to light the menorah on Hannukah, including where to place the menorah, in what order
Learn to Recite the Blessings Over the Hannukah Candles (Ashkenazi Melodies)
With onscreen karaoke-style texts of the blessing in English, Hebrew and transliterated, this animated instructional video (02:20) teaches how to sing
How to Light the Menorah for Hannukah
This short instructional video (01:12) presents a basic explanation of how to set up and light the menorah on Hannukah.
Koolulam: 1000 People Sing Bob Marley’s “One Love” in Jerusalem
This inspirational video presents 1000 people of different backgrounds who gathered together to sing “One Love” by Bob Marley in English, Hebrew
Israeli Rock Music’s Spiritual New Sound
This article by Yossi Klein Halavei explores the unique phenomenon of “secular” Israeli rock music becoming more inspired by Jewish
Israeli Rock Music’s Spiritual New Sound
This article by Yossi Klein Halavei explores the unique phenomenon of “secular” Israeli rock music becoming more inspired by Jewish
HaDag Nachash: The Sticker Song (with educational guide)
Released in 2004, amidst the Second Intifada, this hip-hop song is a collection of Israeli bumper stickers representing the full spectrum of religious
HaDag Nachash: The Sticker Song (with educational guide)
Released in 2004, amidst the Second Intifada, this hip-hop song is a collection of Israeli bumper stickers representing the full spectrum of religious
Kobi Oz: Prayer of the Secular (with educational guide)
This post presents “Prayer of the Secular” by Kobi Oz, along with a printable educational guide including the Hebrew and