A Poem Inspired by Eishet Chayil

A Poem Inspired by Eishet Chayil

In this poem, Eric S. Kingston explores the concept of a Woman of Valor, focusing on both a woman’s ability to change the world through her actions, as well as her internal worth as a Divine Creation. This poem was posted on TheJewishWoman.org, a section of the Chabad Lubavitch website directed towards women. 

A Woman of Valor

A woman of valor makes the world change

Her strength is the content that guides through the days

Defined by her actions that bring light to all dreams

Valor is something that’s defined by her deeds.

Her valor is golden, sparkled and gray

She stands up to the challenge no matter the way

It can’t be held back or defined by her age

Yes, a woman of valor makes the world change.

For valor’s not held by the young or the old

But by the deeds of the heart that give and unfold

It’s merit and honor that hold no disguise

Like the creation of being in the blessed Holy One’s eyes.

For valor is the color of the song of her soul

As she changes, creates and turns light into gold

Divine is Her Presence, be it joyous or sad

— A Woman of Valor —

May offer little, but it will be all that she has.

For only her heart will know the depths of her soul

That nurtures and blossom and forever unfolds

And holds in its essence new life and new gain


A woman of valor makes the world change

A woman of valor makes the world change

A woman of valor makes the world change.

“Be as courageous as Esther, whose faith and bravery were as pleasing to G‑d as that of Moses or King David.”