Where Are The Millions? A Lebanese Song from the First Intifada

Written and performed by Lebanese resistance singer, Julia Burtrus, this song, which became popular during the First Intifada, encourages both the Arab masses and Palestinians to join the revolution, fight against Israel and even die for the cause. Although this song was first released during the First Intifada, it became an anthem of Palestinian resistance, popular during the Second Intifada and other periods of violence. Shared by Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli research institute that studies Palestinian society by monitoring the Palestinian Authority through its media and schoolbooks, this video shows how the song was played during the violence of 2015 on a Fatah-run TV network. Sung in Arabic, the English lyrics appear on screen and below. 

Where Are The Millions?

Where are the millions?
Where is the Arab people?
Where is the Arab rage?
Where is the Arab blood?
Where is the Arab honor? …
In my chest is a [whole] gun magazine, where are you, my brothers?
The revolution [needs] men, it is not bought with money
The revolution of a people holding rocks against fleets
[They] sacrificed from young to old, out of obligation and not as a kindness…
Allah is with us. He is stronger and greater than the Children of Zion
Even if they hang, kill and bury [me], my land will not be humiliated
My red blood will water the green with the flavor of lemon
The fire of revolution is getting stronger and flaring up. We are the victors.

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