Archive for 2019
Why Are Arab Israelis So Underrepresented in the Start Up Nation?
This article from Business Insider presents the perspective of Itzik Frid, CEO of a venture capital firm and startup incubator focused on Arab-led
Israeli Arabs Seeking Greater Share in Country’s Start-up Success
In this article from Business Insider, Tova Cohen discusses some of the factors that limit Arab Israelis from succeeding in
Seeds Tech-Entrepreneurial Program: Working Toward Equality in the Start-Up Sector
Created by Seeds Tech-Entrepreneurial Program, a start-up accelerator that trains aspiring entrepreneurs from Israel’s social and geographic periphery, this document summarizes
Israel: Start-Up Nation for All…Or Is It?
Produced by Appleseeds Academy, an Israeli nonprofit that aims to bridge the digital divide between the Start-Up Nation and Israel’s
How Did Israel Become the Start-Up Nation?
Produced by VisuakPolitik, a YouTube channel about global politics and international events, this video (09:33) explores how a country as small and
Failure: The Surprising Fuel in Israel’s Startup Engine
In this article from ISRAEL21c, Abigail Klein Leichman shows how the attitude of Israel’s Start-Up industry toward failure contributes to
Economic Freedom: The Key to the Start-Up Nation’s Success
Providing a brief economic history of the State of Israel, this video (03:50) shows how Israel’s shift from a socialist state
Community Collaboration: The Secret of Israel’s Hi-Tech Success
From collaborative co-working spaces to informal mentorship programs, this short video (02:06) attributes Israel’s success as a Start Up Nation to
Thou Shalt Innovate: How Israeli Ingenuity Repairs the World
In this inspiring video (06:18), Avi Jorisch, entrepreneur and author of Thou Shalt Innovate: How Israeli Ingenuity Repairs the World, explores the
Innovation in Israel & the Palestinian Territories
Produced by WIRED UK, a publication about life-changing people, trends and ideas, this video (18:58) is this the first of