Archive for 2018
Mayim Achronim: Washing the Finger Tips Prior to Grace After Meals
This brief post by Rabbi Baruch Davidson outlines the laws, customs and meaning behind the commandment to wash one’s fingertips
Women and Zimmun
This two page article by Jennifer Breger summarizes the complicated subject of a women’s participation in a “Zimmun,” (literally, “invitation”)
Alternative Blessings, Food for Thought, and Thought for Food
This two page PDF document includes a variety of blessings, meditations, teachings and customs to be performed before, during and
Yemenite/Baladi Grace After Meals (Hebrew Text)
This post presents the Hebrew text for the Nusach Baladi Grace After Meals used by many Yemenite Jews. The blessing
Preliminary Psalms Recited Prior to the Grace After Meals
This short excerpt from Wikipedia briefly presents the various customs as to which Psalms are traditionally recited prior to the
One Line Grace After Meals
The one-line version of the Grace After Meals, presented below in Aramaic, English and transliterated, has been adopted for general use
Introduction to the Grace After Meals
This thorough and informative article explains the structure, content, and development of the Grace After Meals, as well as some
The Blessing Over the Children as an Expression of Love
In this 3.5 minute video, Rabbi Janet Ross Marder demonstrates how the blessing over the children allows family members to express their
How to Perform the Blessings Over the Children
This minute long video demonstrates how to recite the blessing over the children for both sons and daughters in Hebrew
Rabbi Yitz Wyne Explains the Blessing Over the Children
In this 2:43 long video, Rabbi Yitz Wyne, the founder and spiritual leader of Young Israel Aish of Las Vegas,