Archive for 2018
Ehud Banai Singing Benzion Shekner’s Melody for Psalm 23
In this audio recording, popular Israeli singer, Ehud Banai sings Psalm 23 using the famous melody composed by Ben Zion
Etti Ankri’s Psalm 23 Recited Prior to Daytime Kiddush
This video presents Israeli singer-songwriter Etti Ankri performing a beautiful rendition of Psalm 23, often recited prior to the daytime
Atkinu Seudata: A Hasidic Melody for a Kabbalistic Poem Recited Before the Daytime Kiddush
This video presents a Kabbalistic poem sometimes recited before the daytime Kiddush sung to a melody from the Modzitz Hasidic group,
A Halchic Discussion of the Wording of Kiddush
This short, technical article discusses which passages should be recited prior to the blessing over the wine as part
Turkish Tradition of the Daytime Kiddush
In this 4 minute audio recording, Cantor Moshe Habusha, a Jerusalem-born singer and musician of Iraqi ancestry, presents a slow, soulful
A Talmudic Analysis of Kiddusha Rabba – The Great Kiddush
This article is an analysis of the Talmudic passages from which we learn the minimum halachic requirement for the daytime
Kiddush as a Bridge Between the Physical & Spiritual
This short video provides a brief and meaningful explanation for why Jews make Kiddush at Shabbat meals. Arik Singer, a former
The Blessing Over the Wine in ASL
This video demonstrates how to sign the blessing over the wine in American Sign Language, which is especially helpful for those
Daytime Kiddush as a Reminder of the Sanctity of Shabbat
In this 2.5 minute video, Rabbi Chaim Brovender explains how the daytime Kiddush serves as a reminder of the sanctity
For Kids: The Blessing Over Wine & Grape Juice
This short, kid-friendly video demonstrates how to say the blessing over wine or grape juice, which is a central part of the the