Archive for 2018
The Sabbath Queen: A Poem by Hayim Nahman Bialik
This post presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated text of “Sabbath Queen,” a poem by Israel’s national poet, Hayim Nahman
An Illustrated Kabbalat Shabbat Siddur
This link opens up “An Illustrated Kabbalat Shabbat Siddur with Drawings by Daniel Nebenzahl,” a Hebrew siddur for adults full
Let’s Learn T’fillah: L’cha Dodi
This short animated video from Rabbi David Paskin slowly demonstrates how to sing the chorus and the first two and last
The Structure & Mystical Meaning of Kabbalat Shabbat
This post presents two approximately 4 minute long videos by Rabbi David Paskin introducing the basic structure and meaning behind
The King and Queen in the Field: Reimagining a God Metaphor in Elul (Article & Poem)
The article and poem by Alden Solovy explore two traditional metaphors of God – the harsh King often seen throughout Bible,
L’cha Dodi and the Kabbalist Background to Kabbalat Shabbat: A Collection of Articles
This link will take you to a collection of articles exploring the Kabbalistic background to the Kabbalat Shabbat service, with
The Structure and Spirit of the Kabbalat Shabbat Service
This brief article from describes the structure of the Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv even prayer services on Shabbat. With
Reform Kabbalat Shabbat Service Guide
This short Kabbalat Shabbat Guide from Temple Chai provides a list of all of the prayers and songs that make up the
Introduction to the Kabbalat Shabbat Prayer Service
This introductory article describes the origins and structure of the Kabbalat Shabbat services, noting various customs practiced in different communities.
Conservative Kabbalat Shabbat Service Guide
This post presents the Guide and Transliteration for Friday Evening Services from the Fair Lawn Jewish Center/ Congregation Bnai Israel, a Conservative