Archive for 2018
A Detailed Overview of Shavuot
This thorough article from Wikipedia provides a detailed and well-sourced overview of the Biblical origins, ancient and modern customs, and agricultural and
Shavuot 101
This introductory article briefly explains the history, customs and significance of Shavuot, a lesser known Jewish holiday that commemorates the spring harvest
The Ten Commandments: A Shavuot Lesson Plan for High School Students
This link opens up a detailed hour long lesson plan where students explore a theory regarding the division of the
The Song of Bread: A Zionist Yiddish Song for Shavuot
This video presents The Song of Bread, a Yiddish folk song written by poet and composer Mark Warshawsky about the
Our Baskets Are On Our Shoulders: A Hebrew Children’s Song for Shavuot
This upbeat animated video presents a popular Israeli children’s song abut Shavuot. The lyrics describe people coming from all over
Stay Up All Night: A Shavuot Parody
This amusing video presents a song about Tikkun Leil Shavuot, the custom of learning Torah all night long on Shavuot. From
We’ll Study All Night Long: A Shavuot Parody
This amusing video presents a song about Tikkun Leil Shavuot, the custom of learning Torah all night long on Shavuot.
Yetziv Pitgam: A Piyut for Shavuot
This video presents the singing of Yetziv Pitgam, an Aramaic liturgical poem recited immediately following the chanting of the first verse
Short English Adaptation of Akdamut
This video presents a short, simple, chanted, English version of Akdamut, the lengthy Aramaic poem recited during the Torah reading in synagogue
Akdamut Chanted with English Translation
This video presents a chanting of Akdamut, the lengthy Aramaic poem recited during the Torah reading in synagogue on the morning