Archive for 2018
Proclamation of Faith from Neilah Service
This link from presents an audio recording of the apex of the Neilah service, the closing service of the day, where,
Text & Exploration of the Al Chet Section of Vidui (Confessions)
This article by Rabbi Shraga Simmons explores each line of part of the “Al Chet” portion of the Vidui confession, recited during each
Ahavnu: A Positive Version of the Ashamnu Vidui Prayer
This post presents Rabbi Avi Weiss’ positive version of the Ashamnu prayer, an alphabetical acrostic of 22 sins recited during
Guide to the Ashamnu Portion of the Vidui (Confessions)
This link provides introductory information to the “Ashamnu” part of the Vidui (Confession) liturgy, including the Hebrew, English and transliterated
Egalitarian Versions of Hu Ya’anenu (Selichot & Yom Kippur)
This post provides links to several different versions of “Hu Ya’anenu,” a prayer that recalls how God mercifully answered our
Gateways to Jewish Peoplehood
Published by the Diaspora Museum, this booklet, entitled Gateways to Jewish Peoplehood, explores the national nonphysical assets of the Jewish
Yom Kippur: A Book of Jonah Rock Song
This animated music video connects the biblical story of Jonah, read during the Yom Kippur afternoon haftarah, to the day’s themes of
Text for Kaparot with Money
This post presents the Hebrew and English texts of the traditional Kaparot ceremony over money, in which the sins of a
Moroccan Kol Nidrei
This audio recording (9:23) presents an authentic Moroccan Sephardi Kol Nidrei sung by Rabbi Eliahou Elbaz from Meknes, Morocco. In the opening services
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach’s Kol Nidrei
This 6 minute long audio recording features Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach singing a moving rendition of Kol Nidrei, the opening services on the eve of