Archive for 2018
A Kids’ Tour of the Sukkah Exhibit at Neot Kedumim
This amusing video provides a virtual tour of some of the most unusual booths featured at the Sukkah Exhibit at
Do You Want to Build A Sukkah? A Frozen Parody
In this sweet, homemade video, Mia Leopold and Mollie Teitelbaum sing a Sukkot-themed parody of “Do You Want to Build
Moishe House: How to Build a Sukkah + Blessings
In this casual, animated video, Joshua Walters shares how to build a Sukkah, including the basics of what constitutes a kosher Sukkah. With
Fountainheads: Living In A Booth
A parody of Marry You by Bruno Mars, this high-energy music video features The Fountainheads singing a fun, light-hearted song about the excitement and joy
The Connection Between the Sukkah and Joy
In this animated video (02:18), Rabbi Mark Fishman explores the connection between dwelling in a Sukkah and experiencing happiness on
Ushpizin: A Catchy Children’s Song for Sukkot
In this sweet video, Eliana Light presents a catchy children’s song about “hachnasat orchim” (the mitvah of welcoming guests) and the “Ushpizin,” the seven
Mayim Bialik: Building My Sukkah
In this thought provoking video (02:26), actress and neuroscientist Mayim Bialik shares some of the deep symbolic significance to the rituals and laws of
The Kabbalistic Secret of Sukkot
In this short yet profound video (03:44), Rabbi Jonathan Taub reveals the Kabbalistic secret of Sukkot as a holiday where
Sukkot in 60 Seconds
This minute long animated video presents a brief overview of the origins, significance and customs of Sukkot. Useful for people of all ages, with
Sukkot: A Celebration for Every Nation
This informative video (03:26) presents how the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, is celebrated in Jerusalem, with