Archive for 2018
Israeli Rock Music’s Spiritual New Sound
This article by Yossi Klein Halavei explores the unique phenomenon of “secular” Israeli rock music becoming more inspired by Jewish
HaDag Nachash: The Sticker Song (with educational guide)
Released in 2004, amidst the Second Intifada, this hip-hop song is a collection of Israeli bumper stickers representing the full spectrum of religious
HaDag Nachash: The Sticker Song (with educational guide)
Released in 2004, amidst the Second Intifada, this hip-hop song is a collection of Israeli bumper stickers representing the full spectrum of religious
Kobi Oz: Prayer of the Secular (with educational guide)
This post presents “Prayer of the Secular” by Kobi Oz, along with a printable educational guide including the Hebrew and
Kobi Oz: Prayer of the Secular (with educational guide)
This post presents “Prayer of the Secular” by Kobi Oz, along with a printable educational guide including the Hebrew and
The Conflicting Visions of Four Main Sectors of Israeli Society
In this fascinating article by Prof. Yedidia Stern, Vice President of the Israel Democracy Institute, the author outlines the character and vision
An American Jewish Educator’s Journey into the World of Israeli Secular Torah Study
In this personal account, American Jewish educator, Rabbi David Kasher, describes the growing world of secular Israeli organizations devoted to
Is Israel the Nation-State or Religious State of the Jewish People?
Produced by the Israel Democracy Institute, this video (02:05) features Yair Sheleg exploring how the ultra-Orthodox monopoly over religious life in Israel has led to a
Liberal Judaism in Israel
This introductory article presents the attitudes toward the liberal Reform and Conservative/Masorti streams of Judaism in both official status and
2018 Israel Religion & State Index
Put together by Hiddush: Freedom of Religion for Israel, this 29-page document presents the findings of the 2018 Israel Religion & State