Archive for 2018
Maoz Tzur: A Traditional Hannukah Song (multiple melodies)
Thought to have been written in the 13th century, Ma’oz Tzur is a liturgical poem traditionally sung by Ashkenazi Jews after lighting
Ya Hatzel: A Sephardic Hannukah Song
This post provides an audio recording from the Sephardic Hazzanut Project and the Hebrew, English and transliterated lyrics for Ya Hatzel,
A Reform Prayer for Kislev & Hannukah
This link opens up the Hebrew, English and transliterated text of a prayer that can be read from the beginning of the
Hasidic Kavvanah (Intention) for Lighting the Hannukah Candles
This link opens up the Hebrew and English text of a Hasidic prayer that can be recited prior to the
Al HaNissim for Hannukah
Al HaNissim is a short paragraph added to the Amidah prayer and the Grace After Meals on Hannukah, thanking God
Psalm 30: The Daily Psalm of Hannukah
This audio recording presents Chazan Maor Cohen singing Psalm 30 with a Moroccan melody. Allegedly composed by King David to be sung
Morrocan Hannukah Candle Lighting Blessings & Songs
This post presents the Hannukah candle lighting blessings and songs sung according to Moroccan tradition by Rabbi David Kadoch. The first
Humanistic Hannukah Lighting Blessings & Ceremonies
This post offers several different home services for the Hannukah candle lighting, including blessings, intentions, readings and songs that reflect
The Scroll of Antiochus
This document provides the full English and Hebrew translations of Megillat Antiochus (The Scroll of Antiochus), an ancient historical account
Text of Traditional Hannukah Candle-lighting Blessings & Songs
This document presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of the blessings recited upon lighting the menorah, as well as