Archive for 2018
A Hannukah Lesson Plan: Jewish Identity, Hellenism & Hanukkah
This educational resource explores what our modern understanding of the Hannukah story says about our own Jewish identity, including sources
A Sephardic Hanukkah Recipe: Bimuelos with Honey-Orange Drizzle
This post presents the recipe for bimuelos (a Ladino derivation of the Spanish buneolos, meaning fritters), a traditional Sephardic Hannukah
Rededication: 8 Teachings and Practices for Hanukkah
Created by Rabbi Yael Levy, this complete Hannukah ceremony provides teachings and practices for each night of Hannukah, including quotes,
A New Light: Hanukkah Prayer
In this poem, Devon Spier prays for a new Hannukah light that has the power to unite and redeem the entire world. The writer,
Hannukah Chant: Let The Flame Be Kindled
This post presents Rabbi Shefa Gold’s meditative chant for Hannukah, along with her own description of the visualizations that she practices while singing these
Miracle Meditations for Hannukah: Now & Then
In this article, Rabbi Debra Orenstein takes us back to the first eight days in the rededicated Temple, trying to
A Hannukah Candle Lighting Meditation
In this short video (03:10), Rabbi Jordan Bendat-Appell, a Program Director and teacher of Jewish mindfulness for the Institute for Jewish
Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Hannukah?
Test your knowledge about the history and customs of Hannukah with this fun quiz from
A Hannukah Website for Children
This link will take you to an entire website dedicated to teaching children about Hannukah holiday in a fun and interactive
An Interactive Map of the Hannukah Story
This article contains an interactive map that shows where the events and battles described in the Hannukah story are believed to