Archive for September 2018
Ushpizin: A Catchy Children’s Song for Sukkot
In this sweet video, Eliana Light presents a catchy children’s song about “hachnasat orchim” (the mitvah of welcoming guests) and the “Ushpizin,” the seven
Mayim Bialik: Building My Sukkah
In this thought provoking video (02:26), actress and neuroscientist Mayim Bialik shares some of the deep symbolic significance to the rituals and laws of
The Kabbalistic Secret of Sukkot
In this short yet profound video (03:44), Rabbi Jonathan Taub reveals the Kabbalistic secret of Sukkot as a holiday where
Sukkot in 60 Seconds
This minute long animated video presents a brief overview of the origins, significance and customs of Sukkot. Useful for people of all ages, with
Sukkot: A Celebration for Every Nation
This informative video (03:26) presents how the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, is celebrated in Jerusalem, with
A Soulful Ecclesiastes & Sukkot Song
This animated music video connects the biblical Book of Ecclesiastes to the Jewish festival of Sukkot, through an R&B song by Israeli singer/songwriter,
Sukkot 101: The LEGO Movie
This 4-minute long LEGO stop motion animation video presents an excellent introduction to the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, including the biblical origins
Exploring the Al Het Confessional Prayer Through Jewish Peoplehood
This post explores the idea of collective responsibility through the text of the “Al Het” confession liturgy from Yom Kippur
Deconstructed Al Het Activity
This link will lead you to a detailed outline of a ritual activity based on the traditional “Al Het” confessional
Prayers, Meditations, Stories & Poems for Yom Kippur
This post offers a list of links to prayers, meditations, stories and poetry for Yom Kippur, written by Alden Solovy, a