Archive for September 2018
How & Why to Shake the Lulav & Etrog
In this clear, instructional video, Jesse M. Olitzky from the Conservative Congregation Beth El in New Jersey introduces each of the
A Thorough Introduction to Sukkot
This thorough article by Tracey Rich from Judaism 101 provides a comprehensive introduction to the history, customs and spiritual significance of the biblical festival of
Vesamachta Bechagecha: A Sukkot Song
This video features students from the Boys Town Jerusalem school singing a traditional Sukkot song. All about being happy during
The Maccabeats: Sukkos Style
In this video, the Maccabeats sit around discussing their next project, which leads to a brief Sukkot-themed parody of PSY’s “Gangham Style.” The
Shakin’ the Lulav (Sukkot Parody)
In this playful Sukkot-themed parody of The Beatles’ “Twist and Shout,” David Bar-Cohn and friends dance around Jerusalem and Ramat
A Kids’ Tour of the Sukkah Exhibit at Neot Kedumim
This amusing video provides a virtual tour of some of the most unusual booths featured at the Sukkah Exhibit at
Do You Want to Build A Sukkah? A Frozen Parody
In this sweet, homemade video, Mia Leopold and Mollie Teitelbaum sing a Sukkot-themed parody of “Do You Want to Build
Moishe House: How to Build a Sukkah + Blessings
In this casual, animated video, Joshua Walters shares how to build a Sukkah, including the basics of what constitutes a kosher Sukkah. With
Fountainheads: Living In A Booth
A parody of Marry You by Bruno Mars, this high-energy music video features The Fountainheads singing a fun, light-hearted song about the excitement and joy
The Connection Between the Sukkah and Joy
In this animated video (02:18), Rabbi Mark Fishman explores the connection between dwelling in a Sukkah and experiencing happiness on