Archive for June 2018
What To Expect At Synagogue Services on Saturday Morning
This informative article by Conservative Rabbi Daniel Kohn provides a guide for bar/bat mitzvah guests and other newcomers to Shabbat worship services, including explanations
Today’s Woman of Valor: An Empowering Adaptation of Eishet Chayil
This adaptation of Eishet Chayil by Ahava Lilith EverShine goes through each verse of the traditional text, providing a modern
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Pledge
This post presents a pledge sometimes recited by the Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrant in liberal communities, in which s/he commits to
Entering Adulthood: The Spiritual Significance of the Bar and Bat Mitzvah
This thoughtful article from gives parents tips on how to transform the Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration from a fun party to a meaningful
Elohim Hai: Moroccan Bar Mitzvah Piyut
This 6:36 minute long video presents Rabbi David Kadoch singing two versions of a traditional liturgical Bar Mitzvah song, the first according
Bat Mitzvah Girls Perform “L’Dor Vador” During “Passing the Scroll” Ceremony
This video presents two Bat Mitzvah girls performing “L’Dor Vador” (From Generation to Generation), a song composed by Josh Nelson
Debbie Friedman: The World of Your Dreams (Andy’s Bar Mitzvah Song)
This post presents the lyrics to “The World of Your Dreams (Andy’s Bar Mitzvah Song),” composed by beloved Jewish American
Hebrew Coming-of-Age Misheberakh Prayers
This post presents the Hebrew texts of four different coming-of-age Mi Sheberach prayers: traditional Bar Mitzvah, traditional Bat Mitzvah, 80
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Trope, Blessings & Readings in Multiple Traditions
This website is an excellent resource for Bar/Bat Mitzvah students looking to learn the traditional Orthodox tunes (trope), blessings and readings
Parent Blessings Handbook: How to Select, Personalize or Write Your Own
This post contains a 7 page Parent Blessings Handbook designed to help the parents of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah select, personalize