Archive for June 2017
Hand-Washing before a Meal 101
This colloquially-written, point-form article shares the basics of the ritual hand-washing that takes place prior to eating bread at any meal,
Ritual Hand-Washing: A Clear Explanation
This brief yet thorough article clearly explains the origins and directions for the ritual of washing hands prior to eating bread at
Washing for Bread: Symbolism, How To, FAQ & Reflections
In this article, Lori Palatnik explains the deep symbolism behind the hand-washing ritual and provides a straight forward guide as
Shabbat Sweet: A Unique Melody for Shabbat Candle Lighting
In this video, Billy Kaplan offers a unique rendition of the blessing over the Shabbat candles (starting at 1:05), including
Covering Our Eyes During Shabbat Candle Lighting
This post explains the halachic reasoning behind the popular custom of covering one’s eyes while reciting the blessing after lighting
Electric Shabbat Candles: It Can Be Done!
This lengthy, comprehensive article provides information about “LeeNer,” a product which provides a way to light electric candles for Shabbat in
Shabbat Candle Lighting: An Introduction
The following article briefly explains the basic structure of the candle lighting ceremony and some related customs, including the text