Archive for May 2017
“If I Let It” – Poem Preceding Shabbat Candle Lighting
This short poem by Trisha Arlin provides a “kavanah,” – a direction in which to focus one’s attention – to be
Post-Candle Lighting “Tkhine”: An 18th Century Prayer
This short “tkhine” (supplication) is a para-liturgical prayer that is meant to be recited by women just after lighting Shabbat candles,
Lighting Candles for Peace: A Sheikha and a Rabbi
This short poem, written by two women – a Jewish rabbi and Muslim sheikha – calls on readers to light a candle in
Lighting Candles: A Spiritual Cure-all
In this thought-provoking article, psychologist, Dr. Miriam Biber, explores the unique spiritual power of lighting the Shabbat candles through personal anecdotes and biblical, Talmudic
Tzur Mishelo Akhalnu
This poem parallels in rhyme each of the four standard blessings in Bircat Ha-mazon (Grace after Meals). Thus it became
Candle Lighting Times
This short article explains exactly when to light Shabbat candles, according to Orthodox halacha, as well as what one can do if
Detailed Guide to Shabbat Candles in Jewish Law
This is a highly technical article about the laws of lighting Shabbat candles according to Orthdox halacha, meant for those
Shabbat Candle Lighting with Masculine and Feminine God-Language
This post presents the blessing for lighting the Shabbat candles on Friday night, both in its traditional format (i.e. with
Shabbat Candles FAQ
This article contains clear and detailed answers, according to an Orthodox Jewish perspective, to a number of frequently asked questions
Young Girl Lights Her First Shabbat Candle
In this sweet seven-minute home video a young girl receives a silver Shabbat candlestick in a package in the mail from her grandparents